Grupos Sorteados

Grupos Sorteados

Sometimes scheduled, often ad hoc, the Groupos Sorteados are a key feature of MIA. Please let us know if you spot any errors or mismatches.
(MIA) 2019, May 31. Axel Dorner (Trompete); Carlos Zingaro (Violino); Erwin Toul (Bateria); Fernando Simões (Trombone); Miguel Falcão (Contrabaixo); Yedo Gibson (Saxofone); Hannah White (Voz); Ian Thompson Violoncelo); AnneMarie Ignarro (clarinet). Full review by Ken Waxman under the Festivals link on Gallery O photos are in alphabetical order by musicians’ last names; groups may be at the top of the list. Use to search photos by name, date, location.